Turquoise is a hydrous copper aluminum silicate that occurs in microcrystalline nodules. It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gem and ornamental stone for thousands of years owing to its unique hue. In recent times, like most other opaque gems, turquoise has been devalued by the introduction of treatments, imitations, and synthetics onto the market. Turquoise is one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures.
Using of this stone gives strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity and connection to the spirit world as well. If given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. The turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It also brings peace to the home. This stone is a very personal and meaningful stone to one who wears it. Turquoise takes on the characteristics of the owner. Turquoise carries great wisdom of basic truth within it. It is one of the oldest stones known. This is a stone that a person must learn to attune to instead of the stone attuning to the person. It is important that the owner of a Turquoise give it the proper attention.
The color of turquoise ranges from sky blue through various shades of green to greenish and yellowish gray. Turquoise is opaque except in the thinnest splinters, and has a feeble, faintly waxy lustre. It is said that Turquoise brings happiness and good fortune.
Turquoise along with zircon is birthstones of Sagittarius. The timeframe starts from Nov 22 to Dec 21. Turquoise is the anniversary gemstone for the 5th year of marriage.
Healing properties of Turquoise
The gemstone named Turquoise generally neutralizes over acidity, alleviates rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, viral infections, increases growth, muscular strength, alleviates pain, and relaxes cramps. It also contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects. This stone should be used with copper to increase the power of turquoise.
Sometimes this is known as a truth stone, as it instigate the owner to be true to himself. This gem stone is a stone of self realization helping soemone to better understand self ideas and emotions. It is a wonderful aid in regards to any type of analytical thinking. This also attunes the physical to the higher realms. This generally aligns all chakras, creating a clear channel for the nurturing and creative energy of this sacred stone. The turquoise generally protects and blesses the user, this is one of the most versatile of the power stones. Turquoise works at the throat Chakra enhancing communication skills. Those persons seeking a profound healing of the spirit and soul should wear turquoise. This is known as the ancient absorber of `negativity`. It also helps one develop natural powers. This is excellent grounding stone and also excellent healing stone. This stone strengthens and calms the mind and body. Turquoise usually brings wisdom. Using of this stone helps anorexia, headache, fear, throat, lungs, asthma, infections, teeth, TMJ, hearing, high blood pressure, creativity block, and depression. In fact, some Native cultures held the belief that by wearing it the human mind becomes one with the universe.
The stone`s color and lustre tend to deteriorate with exposure to sunlight, heat, or various weak acids. So hot water and household chemicals should be avoided. Turquoise is relatively soft, thus scratches and sharp blows can become harmful. There are certain coatings that should not be removed. When this stone is given as a gift, everyone talks about the choice. Turquoise is believed by many to bestow wealth and happiness upon its receiver. Turquoise is reasonably priced and quite lovely. The finest stone is an even blue, blue-green, or green color with little or no mottling. Delicate veining, caused by impurities, is desired by some collectors as proof of a natural stone. A delicate sky blue, turquoise provides an attractive contrast with precious metals. It may be carved or engraved, and irregular pieces are often set in mosaics with jasper, obsidian, and mother of pearl as well. Turquoise has been thought to warn the wearer of danger or illness by changing color. In the 13th century, turquoise was thought to protect the wearer from falling, especially from horses. Turquoise is also believed to bring happiness and good fortune to all. It`s said that turquoise attracts healing spirits, making it a premier healing stone. Believed to be a protective stone, turquoise is worn to guard against violence and accidents. Turquoise is also a valuable amulet for travelers.